8 Steps Guide on How to Launch a Website From Scratch & Profit Off with MageNet

In this day and age, the expansion of the internet and the access to the plentiful platforms with an all-encompassing focus on making money has empowered users to build their own websites and blogs on a shot. And a website by itself became the most powerful digital marketing tool you can have.
But usually launching a website is entailed with a lot of hassle. Once you decide to launch a website, you’ll have a myriad of questions and issues to solve:
- How to buy a domain name?
- How to make a website work?
- How to monetize the website?
- How to allure customers and make them spend their coins on your site?
- How much time does it take?
- And finally, does it worth it?
However, launching a website and making money online seems more difficult than it actually is. What if you had a thorough guide of all the things you had to do to successfully launch a new website and make a profit?
Look no further – this guide will lead you through the nuts and bolts of launching a website and making money out of it. You’ll get to learn how to monetize your website with MageNet and start earning a side income with little effort. Even if you want to launch a website just for fun, it’s always great to know that your hobby can bring in an extra revenue!
Here’s a short overview of the guide:
Step 1. Define your genuine goals
Step 2. Find a promising market
Step 3. Acquire a top-notch domain
Step 4. Build your website’s inner structure
Step 5. Keep your website fresh
Step 6. Put a proper SEO strategy in place
Step 7. Find out the efficiency of your website
Step 8. Join an affiliate program & earn more
Step 1. Define your genuine goals
99% of average internet users are well-acquainted with surfing through various websites, but few are aware what’s actually under the hood of those websites. All technical details stay behind the scenes. Before we dive deep into the website launching process, you’ll have to answer the single question:
What is the underlying reason for starting your own website?
Answering this question will let you decide a number of issues in one go. At least, you’ll be able to figure out the final goal. But one thing which is more than a little obvious is that as a website owner you’d like to get a profit from your website. And it doesn’t matter whether you run it just for fun or with the express purpose of commercial profit.
Even if you are of those few people who don’t look for making money, one day you’ll be seduced by the opportunity to get revenue with your website. Bear in mind that MageNet enables you to start making money with your website in 3 easy steps. Learn more how to start your journey through MageNet inventory.
Usually, the cornerstone of your website’s success is attracting advertisers and active users. So basically, you can assume this as your primary goal. Because, believe it or not, this is what will turn your financial dreams into reality.
- Know your intended audience. As you learn your prospects’ desires and favors, you’ll know what to do with your website, what content to publish so to make people read it and share it with others.
- Learn your advertisers’ needs. Since they are your future buyers who will visit your website being interested in your services.
- Learn how to attract and preserve heaps of visitors. They are the lifeblood of your website. Be sure that the longer they stay on your site, the more likely it is that they will eventually leave your site by at least clicking on your advertiser’s links.
Step 2. Find a promising market
Once the goals are defined, it’s high time to look for the appropriate business niche. The rich flow of traffic and high revenue comes to those webmasters who are choosy in the target market.
The most common path to success for many newbies in online business is to find a niche market and establish themselves as a chief player in that niche. Focus on these 4 basic concepts for niche markets success:
- An exclusive product or service. If you’re about to conquer a niche market, you’ll have to think through some unconventional product or service. Ideally, you have to be the only one offering that kind of goods. The trick is to reveal and fill the gap of customers’ unmet needs.
- Conduct a massive market research. Whatever great product you’ll invent, there must be people needing those goods. If not, it’s not worth the effort then. A massive market research will show you the way with your online business. You’ll spot your competitors’ weaknesses, your prospect users’ needs, and finally the growth areas for your business.
- Carefully analyze your competitors. Bear in mind that there a lot of smarts like you in the niche market. And the point is that you have to be smarter. The competitors’ analysis is a terrific way to know whether there is still a place for you in the intended niche.
- Foster your efforts in marketing. Your website success or failure will depend heavily on people who should come to your website and buy from you. The one the surefire way how to do this is to break into the marketplace with some under-served services. The best way is to differentiate from your competitors and align your branding strategy with a unique market proposition.
Below are the most profit-yielding website niches among MageNet publishers. Tip: Follow the money — launch a website in one of these niches to get an option to coin it in. The competition in these niches is low and your contextual ads will be purchased fast. Our clients are also looking for DA50+ links from Brazil, Indonesia, France, Germany, Mexico, Italy and Canada. Plus, you’ll get a special bonus from MageNet for adding your website in one of these topics into our inventory. If you are eager to know how much money you can get with your website right away, use MageNet Value Calculator.
Step 3. Acquire a top-notch domain
Logically, before building up the inner form of a website and fill it with useful information for your customers, you need a domain name.
By the way, some people mix up these two terms: ‘a website’ and ‘a domain’. Simply put, a domain is a smart letter pointer to your website location on the internet. While a website is a set of web pages with video and text content. In other words, a domain is what your users type into their web browser to find your site, whereas a website is what they see when they enter the webpage.
Technically, a domain name is made up of two pieces: SLD (second level domain) and TLD (top level domain).
And here’s teh distinct differences between SLD and TLD:Nowadays, though, no one focuses on the basically intended purposes for TLDs, and there’s surely no one pushing you to use a certain TLD when launching a website. That said, you cannot get .gov, .edu, and .mil domains even for a large amount of money.
Still, 9 out of 10 website owners want to get a .com since it’s the most distinct and esteemed TLD. That is why every time you want to get a short, haunting, and catchy domain name, you’ll face a fierce competition and jaw-dropping prices for those juicy .com domains.
As an alternative, you can always get local/regional TLDs, such as:
- .uk — for the UK
- .at — Austria
- .be — Belgium
- .br — Brazil
- .dk — Denmark
If your website operates only within the specific region, you’d better pay attention to these TLDs. The issue if those local TLDs are usually cheaper than .com domains.
Tip: Always try to get the .com domains — because it’s the most popular TLD in the whole world.
How to pick up a domain name?
Selecting the proper domain name remains to be a real challenge to this day. There’s a long list of factors to consider. Here are the most important tips on how to craft great domain names:
- The shorter, the better
- No trademarks, or well-known branded names
- Get a .com or .net whenever it’s possible
- Craft your own words (example – MySpace, CloudSound, Yahoo, Shazam)
- Write down these words and read them repeatedly before the purchase. This is to avoid the misspelling and awkward sounding (examples – therapist.com, childrenswear.co.uk, crapparchitects.com, titsa.com etc)
- Use keywords or least niche-relevant terms*
So basically, your aim is to craft a simple yet strong name that should be short and easy to memorize. In brief, you have to stick to the simple formula:Bear in mind that your domain name is your website identity. This how your prospects find you and pass to others.
These are a great news in case you are out of imagination. These free domain name generators will help you make up your mind to choose just the appropriate domain name:
NameMeshNameMesh delivers you a totally fantastic versatility. Type in just a word or two and get astounded by the available options. Apart from getting a mere list of available domain names, you’ll get a number of alternatives, derivatives, and blends of your typed word.
NameMesh generates so many word forms that you can easily get lost in the wide scope of ideas. Some people like this while others will prefer an easier way to vivify their imagination. In any way, this tool 100% worth your time.
BustaNameBust a Name is another great tool to help you with domain name generation. It runs in a two-screen mode. The first one is for searching the domain name, while the other one is for making up a domain name. Domain name generator is great at finding the most relevant words to your website niche.
Moreover, with Bust a Name you can check whether the domain names you like are available.
Panabee is a multipurpose online tool for generating domain names. All you need to get some fresh naming ideas is just to describe your idea with a couple of words. And voila a long list of available names for your future domain is just at your fingertips.
What we like the best about this tool is that below the each generated domain name idea there goes an explanation on how it was derived. The domain availability you can check just within the tool’s interface.
Tip: Nowadays keywords in your domain name don’t boost your chances to rank great on Google. But all the same, your domain name should evolve around the core keyword so to give your first-time visitors an immediate idea of what your website is about.
Where to buy a domain?
When looking for a website name you may see that there are a lot of domain names that are quite cheap. Especially when compared to some ‘golden’ names that can cost you a real fortune.
The point that it’s not the matter of naming as it is. It’s more complicated, and you’d better take domain name purchase as a long-term investment. Because you’ll most likely use it at least a year and beyond. The right domain name can have a weighty impact on your website’s — and, therefore, your business’s — success.
More importantly, you have to decide what kind of domain you’d like to possess: a brand-new domain with a clear backlink profile and no authority or you’re eager to catch an expiring neat domain name with a solid history and PA/DA rankings.
In the below table we compared the types of domains that can be purchased so you can figure out which variant is yours:Usually, domain flippers buy expired or expiring domains since they return investments quicker than the totally new domains. In layman terms, domain flipping is getting revenue of buying and selling domains. Despite the fact that the competition in this industry is rather tough, you can still hunt for the successful and profit-yielding domains.
But before, you have to know some unevident facts about domain flipping so to know what to expect when entering the market.
- No success comes overnight. Yes, we are also become motivated after hearing those stories when a random guy sold a high profile domain name and made a fortune on it. But it happens seldom or never. The patience and insistence are the best in this industry.
- You have to be active. Because you never know why people burn through a lot of money on this or that domain name. To predict the future success of a domain you need to have a close eye on the industry and upcoming trends, so to be able to catch just the relevant domain before it stands high.
- Get ready to hit the books. Just like any other business, domain flipping requires a relevant experience and knowledge. If buying domains and selling them at a higher rate was a piece of cake, we wouldn’t talk about it now. Before you get your first profit from domain flipping, you’ll make numerous bosh-shots. So take your time and learn how to hang of it. Slowly but steadily.
- There are still many good domain names. One may think that all first-rate domains are not available anymore. Nonsense! To be frank, the possibilities in the domain flipping industry are boundless. You always can explore new niches and topics that were never used before.
- Think out the box and use cunning methods to reveal the domain gems. On the internet, there is a bunch of articles, guides, and tutorials on domain flipping. They all are great and extremely helpful if you don’t even know from where to start. But there’s one little “but” in it. Domain flipping is easy to play but hard to master. All the time-honored methods in the industry become old and ineffective in no time. So you have to be flexible, cunning, and piercing domain flipper with your own, unique methods.
- Domain flipping won’t take all your time. Despite that domain flipping requires a lot of practice and knowledge, once you master it, you’ll be able to get a revenue of selling domains on a part-time basis.
- Domain flipping in ethical and legal practiсe. Some people feel that domain flipping is unethical. The reason is that many business owners and big corporations face a problem to get just an appropriate domain name since the best-matching variants are already taken. However, you’d better treat domain names as houses sold in the offline world. There’s nothing illegitimate in domain flipping.
How to choose a domain registrar & web hosting provider?
Domain registration secures the specific domain name for you so no one else on the internet can use it, while the web hosting provides you with a powerful server that has a constant internet connection.
Once you crafted the perfect domain name, you have to make your website alive. To do this you need:
- Register your domain
- Select a hosting company
There are companies that act as a one-stop-shop — you can register your domain name and host it with the same company. Still, many website owners choose not to do so. Because registering and hosting a website with different companies is like a double belt and braces. If anything goes awry with a hosting company, you’ll still own a domain name.
Another reason for being versatile is that if you have a variety of websites and want to monetize them all with MageNet, please keep in mind that we have a special reward for those publishers, who add websites with different IP addresses into our inventory.
Add a Website With Unique Ip & Earn More
Let’s start with the domains registrars. Today there is a wealth of registrars for you to choose from. But before making up the final decision on registering your domain name with a specific domain registrar, you’ve got to focus on the following issues.
- Domain transfer option. Sure enough that you will not want to transfer your domain name the next day after purchase. But still, one day there might arise the opportunity to move to the other domain. So make sure there are transfer details in your current policy.
- Pricing details. We are totally sure that pricing will be the most crucial focus when selecting the appropriate website registrar. But we do recommend to pay careful attention to the all the ins and out of pricing policy. This concerns all the extra costs that may tack on during your custom domain usage.
- Client support. Believe us, you’ll want to get a caring and helpful support manager if anything goes wrong with your domain names. In any case, you’ll want to make sure that there’s a person who would crack your problems efficiently.
- Extra services. As we said before, there are many registrars who will fight for their customers in any possible way. For this reason, many domain registrars offer a wealth of extra features just for registering a domain name with them.
- Drop catching. You have to pay a yearly fee for your domain name maintenance. After the year goes by, you have to prolong your domain use and pay for the years to come. Sometimes a website owner may forget to prolong the domain name. And it suddenly appears in someone else’s hands. To avoid this pitiful situation, some website registrars hold your domain name for you to take time and pay for it before the domain passes to another owner.
We’ve picked up the few registrars that we actually respect and ready to give our money them.
NamecheapNamecheap is easily one of the most popular domain names registrars. The folks have a gust of the company for their user-friendly and simple interface. They also deliver the top-notch domain management pages, reasonable-priced domain names along with free DNS service and WHOIS encryption. SSL goes for those who are looking for some extra ways of their domain reinforcement.
Now you can register a domain name with Namecheap for just around $11/year. 1 year of a free WHOIS protection goes as a bonus. More than that, Namecheap has crafted ample troubleshooting videos.
One more thing that we love about Namecheap is their handy and intuitive checkout process. And their enormous knowledge base does deserve high praise. One of the minor drawbacks is that they do merely chat support. However, it doesn’t influence their responsiveness and helpfulness.
Bluehost is yet another popular domain registrar that is regarded as a great option for those who only starts their online journey. They are also well-known as a web hosting company. If you are looking for the single place to register and host a domain, Bluehost may be your perfect fit.
Usually, people choose Bluehost for their all-in-one option of domain registration and hosting. We cannot but adore their outstanding their support team that is available at any time of day or night throughout the year. We’re totally sure that the vast majority of people choose Bluehost just for their support.
HostGator is a domain names registrar and hosting service all rolled into one. The company is a great choice for both newbies and skillful users. They offer cost-efficient domain registration and hosting packs for just $5/month which is literally a give-away price.
If you are hunting for some package decision for your website maintenance, then carefully consider HostGator. Plus, they claim that they have a 99.99% uptime which means that you nearly always will be online.
Currently, more than 10 million websites rely on HostGator services. This is really the company that has everything you need to be off to a flying start in online business.
GoDaddyEveryone who has ever taken an interest in buying a domain name heard about GoDaddy. And this is truly one of the most reputed and large companies offering domain names registration and hosting services. GoDaddy is the largest domain name registrar in the world and they also offer many extra services.
Basically, they charge you $15/year to register a domain. However, they also run various special offers where you can register a domain for $1.
GoDaddy does deliver an excellent service, but there’s no limit to perfection. And we believe that they can improve their design and interfaces so to make the users’ interaction better. Yes, they perfectly deliver what they should but their upselling policy is a little bit irritating.
If you need their qualified support, you’ll be able both to write and call them. And in either case, you choose you’ll get your issues handled properly.
The one thing I absolutely hate about Godaddy is the hard sell once you select your domain name. The extras that they try to add in your basket is a bit too much, and for a newbie, can be quite confusing. Personally, I’d use Namecheap, Bluehost or Hostgator over Godaddy, purely for this reason.
DreamhostDreamhost has been on the market for more than 20 years. And in course of time, they proved themselves as a reliable and constantly developing company which now combine domain names registrar and hosting functions.
Dreamhost delivers a bunch of useful services and goodies like domain name extensions, free of charge domain privacy, handy settings and control options for your domain and many more.
This being said, they rarely offer any discounts. Plus, you have to pay attention to their policies before you decide to transfer your domain name to them.
The latest price for a .com TLD is $14, with the lower prices for any other extensions.
Flippa is purely a marketplace for trading domain names. Quite often there is a ton of domain names and websites for as little as $1. At this point, Flippa may become just the right place to start your online journey.
Moreover, you can buy a domain with a solid backlink profile and high DA score which will inevitably give you a bump in the SERPs. The only point is that as you get a domain name with Flippa, you’ll have to register and host it elsewhere.
Choosing the appropriate hosting provider
Now let’s dive into the process of giving a foundation to your website. In other words, let’s evaluate various hosting providers. Often the importance of the right hosting selection is underestimated.
We’re giving here 5 solid reasons why a hosting plays a crucial role in your website’s success.
- Slow servers degrade the user experience. In case your website is hosted on slow servers, it’ll stay slow no matter how hard you try to optimize its speed. What’s worse, is that according to the latest research by KissMetrics the pages that take more than 3 seconds to load experience an extreme bounce rate which translates into the lower rankings on search engines.
- Servers that are often down, turn away users. If your hosting servers are often down, this will inevitably irritate your customers. As a result, they would forget you and never come back again.
- Your insecure website would be duck soup for the crooks. If you decide to host on insecure and shady servers, be minded that you’ll be under the threat of hackers, malicious software, and other scammers.
- High traffic websites require extra powers. Basically, the main goal of every website owner is to attract traffic flow to their websites. Thus you need to make sure whether your hosting server is ready to handle 1,000, 2,000, or even 10,000 queries simultaneously. If not, then what’re the doubts then? Go away from such servers.
- Poor customer service will drive you out of senses. There’s nothing more irritating than an awful service and support that doesn’t actually support or help you but worsen the situation. Especially when your website is down and you need to handle this as soon as possible.
Before learning the fine grain of the best hosting providers, let’s take an outlook of their most distinctive features.Before you make up your mind on the purchase, please be aware of the main pros and cons of the mentioned hosting providers.
Now, when you know all the benefits and drawbacks of the hosting providers, it’s time to make your choice. So which hosting to choose? And the answer is a big fat “depending on the situation”.
The matter is that different websites have different capacities. No wonder that a small start-up website would require other functions than a website of any large corporation which can hire an army of SEO experts to maintain and strengthen the company’s online visibility.
Before making your final decision, we’d recommend you to bear in mind the size of your website.
For beginners
In case you are a complete newcomer with limited budget and knowledge, try out HostGator’s Basic Package.
We recommend doing so because of the following reasons:
- As a beginner, you will likely to have a shoestring budget. So an opportunity to save a few bucks will be welcome for you.
- With HostGator, you can concentrate on launching a basic yet solid website and start upgrading your knowledge.
- HostGator Basic plan allows jumping for the better hosting once you start making more cash with your website.
- For as little as $4/mo, you’ll get unlimited bandwidth, unmetered disk space, and emails for your domain. Plus, HostGator delivers an extremely user-friendly cPanel, easy WordPress installation, data backup, customer support, and just the perfect server uptime so you can be sure that your website will always be online.
For intermediate website owners
If you’ve already poured a good deal of money into your online business, but still want to try something new by running several websites at once, go for BlueHost.
Here’s why
- If you already have solid working knowledge of how the things going in online business, you’ll certainly wish to start making more money by launching a bundle of websites. Going for BlueHost will open you the door to the progressive services and a little hint of superiority in comparison to HostGator.
- BlueHost offers you the best flexibility & and steadiness in its packs. At that, neither of the packages will cost you a fortune.
- BlueHost is the best place to host intermediate WordPress websites. As a bonus, you’ll get a bunch of useful tools to maintain and secure your site.
For seasoned website owners
If you’ve already succeeded with your website, have some extra funds and eager to expand your business without handling a myriad of day-to-day admin tasks then your choice is WPEngine’s Professional package.
- WPEngine will provide your website with the decent speed, performance, and security.
- This hosting provider will perfectly cope with all your mundane admin tasks concerning the usual website maintenance. So you’ll have more time for dealing with core activities of your business.
- You can reckon with certainty on WPEngine as they will perfectly handle important information.
- There is a group of SEO experts behind WPEngine. And this is what actually makes them stand out from the crowd.
How to choose a CMS
CMS, a content management system, is an absolute must for every single website owner. Since this is the only right way to operate the great volume of texts on your website.
Before we suggest the top-used CMS, let’s cover some basics.
First, let’s cover why to use a CMS:
- Prompt edits. Using CMS software you’ll be able to edit every single page of your website on a dime.
- Your databases will be in safety with CMS. By using CMS the possibility that you may mess something up with your data slims to none.
- User-friendly interface. CMSs provide you with ready-to-use content formatting controls and media upload tools. Most also provide an option to preview your draft articles.
- You don’t need to be tech-savvy to manage your website content. The best part is that you need no or little knowledge of HTML to edit your website if you use a CMS.
- No need to ask a web designer for help. When using a CMS, you can easily create new web pages, upload images and change your blog content wherever you need to.
- Automatization. Usually, CMS can automate the overall process of content delivery. That is you can schedule your future publications and feed into your social media accounts, e-store and more.
- Flexibility. The vast majority of CMSs provide useful and handy extensions and plugins. And since the layout of your website and design is individual, you can redesign your website and preserve your content without a great deal of difficulty
Now when you’re convinced about the benefits of CMSs, let’s look up at the choices. But before, keep in mind these 3 questions answers that show your way in using CMSs.
- Do you possess any experience? This is more than an obvious question but still keep in mind that if you’ve already worked with any CMS, we’d recommend to enrich your existing experience and choose more progressive software. And vice versa, if you’re a complete newbie then your choice is some easy basic CMS that will give you a decent push for further development.
- Which database and scripting languages do you prefer? Once again, if you’re a seasoned developer of MySQL or PHP, it’s pointless to go for any Java-based CMS.
- Where are you heading for with your website? By answering this question, you’ll be able to tilt toward this or that CMS. Some websites need to have a bunch of plugins to turn into a full-run e-commerce site, while the others steer towards a mere development and just useful content production. Make your mind up to avoid money burning.
To facilitate your tough searching for the best software, here’s a quick look-up of the most popular CMSs out there:
- The multipurpose CMS. WordPress is a stellar choice if you want to get a stable all-in-one decision to manage your website content.
- The top e-commerce CMS. Magento was originally developed as a specialized CMS for online shops. No wonder that it serves the best possible plug-ins and options to operate a commercial website.
- The top SEO CMS. Drupal is an open-source content management system that allows structuring your website for any search engine in the most SEO-efficient way.
- The top small businesses CMS. Joomla, an open-source platform, is easily customized and handled. Just think of the companies that rely on Joomla with their websites: Ikea, Holiday Inn, and Harvard University.
This article will lead you through the further details on content management systems.
Step 4. Build up your website’s inner structure
The time has come to put spirit into your yet lifeless website. Now you have to fill your empty website with content that ideally should engage crowds of people to your site and pull in extra cash for you.
Your website’s blog will speak for your credibility and authority to the potential customers. The more useful information people will find on your site, the better. One more thing that makes people believe you is the writer’s persona. We do tend to believe the information if we can see the real person behind all those texts online.
The good news is that at the very beginning there is no need to craft solid long-reads or hands-one guides. You can start with one this content type:
- Infographic. An extremely popular content type which attracts readers with its easy-digestible information and visual representation of complex facts and numbers.
- Videos. People like watching videos. Take avail of it.
- Images. Who doesn’t enjoy looking at random amusing pictures? Especially when they just perfectly cover any interesting topic. An image is also content. Make use of them as well.
- Common articles. Yes, they should also be in your blog. You can start from the medium-sized articles in 500-700 words. Later on, you may be even get hooked on writing.
Having that blend of videos, images, and text articles make a website more visually appealing. Admit it that to describe an image or recap the infographic content is way easier than running a research and rolling out an article on the topic.
Also, be minded that your website should include such pages as:
- About us
- Contact us
- Frequently asked questions
- Blog
- Privacy policy
- Terms of reference
These are the pages that tell your users the most essential information about your company. So be ready to find time and whip them into shape.
In case you are sick and tired with content creation, there’s a solution which many people consider as an unethical though. However, we are telling it as it is. You can steal content. And this would be up to you.
So, you can refer either to the Wayback Machine or … Google. In first case, you can easily look up the history of your domain name and take up the old version of your domain for your own benefit right now. The trick is that you can just copy and paste the content you find because it has been already outdated and out of Google’s index. But you can give that old pages a second life.
In case with Google, you can absolutely legally see the previous version of a web page, in other words its cached version. Yeap, Google’s crawlers not only prowl about your website but also take pictures of it and store that information as a backup.
Frankly speaking, this is rather useful option. Usually people use cached versions of a webpage to find an information that is no longer available in the current website version. Also, Google’s caching comes into handy when a website is down and user can still access that website by using Google’s cached pages.
The second reason to love Google’s cache is that when internet users are off the internet, they can still scroll through the web pages simply by using Google’s cache.
Step 5. Keep your website fresh
Your website needs a regular refresh. Here are the 3 main things to focus on when updating your site:
- Security Issues
- Content
- Design
Security Issues
Your website security is undoubtedly must be the top priority when dealing with an online optimization. No one wants to be hacked and lose all the meaningful data. With this in mind, you have to take care of your site’s information, and your customers’ private information as well. Because if you provide low security, you’ll hurt your website and your customers will go away to your competitors with better data security options.
Keep your content fresh
Your website’s content regular updates can help you in many ways. Namely:
- Up-to-date content pulls in more traffic to your website. And it also helps to build trust with your customers.
- Fresh content helps boost your domain authority. By regular posting the new content, you’ll show Google that you are a stable and developing resource and thus your are the one who can be trusted.
- Amended keyword strategy let you outwin your competitors. It’s crucial to take your keywords updated as well. Because the online businesses never stop, they are constantly progressing, and you goal is to always stay on track and provide your readers with the most relevant and fresh information.
Refreshed design
This is where many business owners fail. Because they concentrate merely on content and marketing issues, ignoring at that the importance of design and navigation matters of their websites. So stay up to date with the following:
- Mobile-friendly design. More than 74% of web traffic currently derives from mobile devices. It means that you cannot ignore the necessity to provide a handy and responsive design for mobile users. Because you may easily miss out over a half of your prospects!
- Focus on your target customers’ needs. Every single web form, button, and scroll should reflect the behavior of your customers. But keep in mind that over time your intended audience may change. So you will have to do the appropriate changes to your website as well.
Step 6. Put a proper SEO strategy in place
As a newbie in online business, you may take SEO an a needless expense. But believe us, it’s totally worth each invested coin and spent minute. Nowadays SEO plays a significant role for any business size: large corporation, midsize companies, and small local business can altogether benefit form SEO. And here’s why.
Basically you have to deal with two sides of SEO:
- On-page optimization embraces all actions you take to improve your individual web pages. These include formatting, URLs, pages’ descriptions, website navigation, load speed, and responsive design.
- Off-page optimization covers any actions you carry out of the internal website structuring. Usually, the major part of off-page SEO takes link building. But don’t forget about social media, your company profiles and blog posting.
To get started with your SEO strategy, you can follow these 6 simple steps:
- Carry out a keyword research. We’d recommend to conduct even more that a mere keyword research. Create a long exhaustive list of your target keywords. Having them all, you’ll be able to choose the best ones and outplay your competitors. If you run a small local website, you’ll benefit the most from targeting the long-tail keywords. Use Google Keyword Planner to reveal the best niche-oriented keywords and start generating content based around these keywords. This is a well-tested method to reach top position through SERPs.
- Keywords optimization. You need constantly add the new keywords to your entire site to get natural rankings and follow the latest trends on the internet. This approach will not only deliver the better content to your customers, but will show Google that your business is a top-notch and relevant one.
- Gain trust and authority. The single aim why people promote their websites online is gaining the trust of Google and your customers. Strategic link building is the best method ever to demonstrate your authority. Try out guest blogging, and generating content others like to share.
- Track your progress. Have a close eye on your metrics and analytics. Even the slightest changes in your Google Analytics will signal you that you have to adjust your strategy.
- Sustain your rankings. Improve and enlarge your website to be able to stay on top positions for as long as possible. Running a website and reaching high rankings with it doesn’t mean that that would be the final point of your work. To get a constant traffic flow you have to always keep up with your competitors and become better than they are.
- Start all over again. Once you complete all the above steps, start from the very beginning. Optimize each side of your website up and down.
Just to recap the steps you have to take – start with your keywords strategy, apply them throughout your website. Then promote your site with social media, link building, and Google Local Businesses. During the process, constantly check your analytics to evaluate your keywords performance and make the needed changes to your strategy. As soon as you have succeeded with your initial keywords set, repeat all the steps from the very beginning.
One more reason to go for SEO is making your website attractive for advertisers. From our experience, the quality websites meet with a ready market. As a result, you can also increase the prices for your contextual backlinks. People tend to buy links from websites with high SB Rank and healthy backlink profile.
Step 7. How to know the efficiency of your website?
Deciding how much your business costs is essential in maximizing your payout when you decide to sell it one day. Basically, you can use either of these 2 ways to get a rough valuation of your site:
- Multiply your annual sales by your industry’s average multiple
- Multiply your annual profits by your industry’s average multiple
There is a great number of factors that determine the success of any website. But these are 5 digital marketing metrics you should take care of every single day.
- Conversion rate. This metric has a direct correlation with your overall online success. That is how many people convert from common visitors to your customers. Monitoring your conversion rate on a daily basis will enable you to find out what works best to hook up your prospects.
- Page views per visit. This crucial metric shows up how exactly people enjoy your website and how many web pages they look through before bounce or sign up.
- Backlink profile. Google judges you on the websites that links to you. The more quality and authoritative backlinks you acquire into your profile, the higher ranking you get.
- Return visitors. This metric shows how many people got engaged into your content, happily share it with others and recommend you as a trustful website. And come back to your website each and every time.
- Search engine queries & landing pages. It is important for any website to realize where it ranks better for these or that keywords, what are the queries through which you get your visitors, and how great are your landing pages at attracting and maintaining customers.
Step 8. Join an affiliate program to earn more
MageNet Referral Program was crafted for your convenient earnings. The overall referral process looks like that:
You invite people with your referral link — They monetize their sites — Every month you get a 10% commission from what they earn
Now you don’t need to do any extra actions to earn your referral commission. With our preset creatives, your monthly 10% is only two clicks away.
The creatives are grouped in six channels. Use the one you like best or all of them together to reach $1,000/mo faster.
- Broadcast. Use it to send emails through your existing base of subscribers;
- Banner. Choose between different sizes, and place banners on your sites to maximize the number of people joining MageNet using your link;
- Skype. Spread the word about the Referral Program using ready-to-use messages;
- Twitter. Short and concise tweet that you can share simply by logging in to your account;
- Facebook. Three blog posts with useful information on monetization will definitely attract the audience interested in earning money from their websites;
- LinkedIn. Copy&Paste those messages – sharing your referral link has never been easier;
Why MageNet Referral Program?
- You earn forever – You refer people once, but get the commission on a monthly basis
- You earn without limits – The more people you invite, the more money you’ll be earning
- You are safe – We use a machine learning algorithm to protect you from fraud
Take your first step toward $1,000 earned monthly today – choose the creatives to use, and profit. Your 10% referrer commission is so close, just make a click and grab it.
Refer Your Friends and Earn $1,000+/mo
We tried our best to deliver you the detailed guide on how to successfully launch your website and make a revenue of it with the help of MageNet services.