Making Money with Blogging

The blog has become a substantial part of the web and effective online promotion tool.
“Blog” comes from the word web log, i.e., to be online. This is online magazine or internet diary with the variety of records with the possibility to leave comments.
Types of blogs
- Personal. Can be professional or just personal, in which the author expresses his or her opinion, not connected to any business.
- Corporate. Usually, it is a company blog with a number of various topics revealed, for example, about effective online monetization and website promotion, like in our blog. Corporate blogs are led by employees or representatives of the company.
- Collective. This is a thematic community where experts write their thoughts and give useful advice. The collective blog is headed by two or more people. Over the time community grows and gets stronger, both blog and its authors gain popularity and quality.
All types of blogs are useful depending on its aim. For example, if you plan to create a community, we recommend to choose the Collective type and provide sharing tools so the other people could help to develop the blog.
According to the statistics, the most popular is the Personal Blog. It could be because people love to live someone’s life, discussing it regularly. So, if you got at least basic knowledge of how to create and develop your blog, you may make money through blogging.
How to use the blog for business?
It’s quite simple. You just write on the topic you are interested in, share valuable cases, write regularly, advertise the blog (increase number of readers) and, finally, create your own community. When it’s all there, you’ll have potential customers interested in your services, products or goods. Then the number of visitors will grow day by day.
What benefits blogging can bring?
- Attracts potential customers and employees
- Shows company’s life, values and mission
- Promotes brand
- Declares the author as an expert in particular topic
- Gives an opportunity to interact with the target audience
Blog promotion
You run your blog, try hard, write useful and qualitative information, but do not earn even a penny? Let us get straightened out the promoting basis as well as where to start.
The main essence is to create a blog for people. If you do so, you will see that the traffic goes up, and profits from advertising and services grow.
Present yourself as a real expert in the field. Promoted articles could be used to provide ads to the company’s services. Collect statistics for the promoted pages. Monitor the traffic sources.
Contact the owners of the services of similar subjects. For example, your blog about the healthy lifestyle with a good traffic will probably be attractive for sport nutrition companies and sports clubs. Thus, you’ll get regular customers and good profits.
The main mistake of all beginners is that they immediately want to get a lot of money for articles. Running to exchanges is not a good option at the start. To earn money like this, you have to clearly understand the technique of what you’re doing and focus your efforts on the main monetizing strategies.
A sample list on what you can earn if you started a blog for about half a year:
- Banners sales
- Website development
- Writing reviews on the various services of advertisers
- Contextual advertising (for blogs with good attendance)
- Affiliate programs, advertisement of someone else’s products
- Advertising posts publishing
- Sale of your own info product
- Provision of your best services
It’s not a big deal of making money blogging, but before you go to the real wages, work on it hard and implement monetization on the blog.
Website Monetization by MageNet plugin in 15 minutes
If you are looking for an opportunity to monetize your site, we recommend you to try the automate earning tool for WordPress websites and Universal Monetization Plugin applicable for most of the site engines.
How does it work?
- Install it on all your websites (10 minutes)
- Submit your sites at (2 minutes)
- Make a cup of coffee (3 minutes)
After one of the plugins is set up correctly, MageNet lists the pages of your blog to sales, and the advertisers start to buy ads from you. You can monitor the lists of pages available for sales and sold ads at your MageNet account. To get money for sold ads, you should set up the PayPal email at your balance interface after the earning amount reach $50.
What determines profits from a blog
- Attendance. It’s a number of visitors per certain period. To evaluate this parameter, you need to install one of the attendance counters. One of the most popular free statistics tools is Google Analytics; we recommend to check out it alternatives either. Be sure to install the counter on each site page.
- Site age
- Domain history
- The number of pages with content
- Content quality and uniqueness
- A website design
Due to statistics, average annual bloggers’ earning is about 24 000$ (including 33 000$ for corporate blogs). Owners that get paid for placing content on their blog earn around 1 000$ per year. But certainly, there are different methods of making money on blogging besides of content placing (f.e.,, that can make $45 000 for a single ad campaign).
Earning by advertising on blog
The advertisement is a single word that includes numerous ways of getting income. Beginners usually understand the process as follows: they place advertising image (banner) of a product and get paid by the advertiser. Or place some laudatory ode of a product and get paid as well. The essence is right in general, while actions are performed not directly, but through intermediaries. They help site owners to find and communicate with advertisers and to make a deal on favorable terms without unnecessary problems. All this happens automatically and does not require personal contact – quickly, simply and conveniently. Of course, the mediators take fee or commission, but everyone gains. How does it work?
You go to agent’s site, submit your website to the system (every step is usually prescribed in details on agent’s site). Each system has its own features, working conditions and requirements for the website, advertisement sort. The look of posted ads is predetermined by the system type. For example, it may be in the form of small advertising announcements or in the form of images with a brief description.
Blogging and making money through contextual advertising
The most common type of advertising is contextual ads. The publishing process of contextual ads may differ.
Usually, you can choose the appropriate color of ads, font size, etc. Contextual ad suits any site type, but most of all it fits the news sites and classifieds. Revenue depends on the subject and traffic. The smaller the traffic and the closer it is to the topic of hobbies and entertainment – the lower the income. Money is charged for clicks. When a visitor clicks on an ad in the content, money is charged. One of the options to earn by contextual ads selling is Google Adsense.
Teaser ad
The teaser is a small picture with a short ad text. This ad type is suitable for entertainment sites. Despite the fact that teaser content may be different, “yellow” images with supposedly sensational news bring the most revenue. E.g.: “Look at those guys! They earned 50 000$ in two weeks”. When clicking on such advertising, a user goes to the site where he is asked to go through something like a test. He spent some time on it and finally got a message that reports that he needs to send SMS to a certain number (of course, SMS is paid). The majority of teasers is a scum. Of course, there are other teasers with quality ads of goods and services. However, they bring less money.
Other ways of earning online
- Affiliate programs. Advertise any product, service or paid service. If a visitor to your site order or buy something, you get some percentage. Thus, affiliate programs are paid de facto. Keep track of customers who came by your recommendation, using a special affiliate (referral) link.
- Banners. Banner is an animated (flash or gif) or a static (jpg) image with advertising information. Clicking on it, you pass to the advertised site. The primary purpose of banners is to attract users’ attention to advertised products and redirect them. Banner advertising gives the opportunity to earn money even to a novice. But do not deceive yourself with easy money: only the owners of well-advertised resources pay huge sums for the arrangement of banners.
- Donations. No project can survive for long, basing only on enthusiasm, so if you have a small budget, donations could be one of the options to recoup the cost of ownership. Donations could be made through SMS, payment systems and some specialized projects.
- Advertising line. You place special ad line on the most proper place of your site, so each visitor can quickly and easily order ad using it.
What to do to make the blog successful?
- Write more useful and interesting articles.
- Keep in mind search engines aspects. Optimize blog code, configure correct indexing.
- Read recommendations for site promotion and implement useful chips.
- Take care of the mobile version of your blog.
- Make correct internal linking to increase usability.
- Interact with your community, encourage it with gifts.
Some more ways to get paid:
- Paid services
- Sale of unique materials
- Paid access to information
- Pay consulting and training via the Internet
- Placement of prepaid reviews
- Mediation in various forms
- Direct selling of advertising to advertisers without any of intermediary systems
Motivate when promoting
Stock up with persistence and patience – at first you will have a very few visitors. Therefore, the income will be low. Using the right approach, you will see that during the first month your traffic has grown, and you start to receive money. Increase the number of visitors in several times and prepare content that visitors want to be seen (at least is should be interesting and useful articles). Work on your project and your profit will increase. Those who stand on the spot never succeed.