How To Get Indexed By Google Properly

Ready for a new portion of knowledge? Today I’ll tell you about how to make Google love your website. One of the key factors influencing earnings on MageNet is quantity of websites’ pages indexed by Google.
Our main aim is to bring you profit. The more pages your website possesses, the more ads you can place there and the more money you can get from them. That is why we recommend that you monitor your website presence in Google index. There are 3 main reasons why Google can decrease the number of website pages or remove them completely:
Non-unique content
It could appear on your website both when you borrow it from other sources and when somebody duplicates yours. How to prevent it:
1) Create your own content or rewrite the texts taken from other sites.
2) Use plagiarism checkers to identify the uniqueness of the texts (for instance, Copyscape or Solidseotools checkland) before posting.
3) Protect your content by Google Authorship. Once you add it in Google Authorship, Google knows it’s you who created it, so even if it gets copied somewhere else, you won’t get penalized.
4) Forbid indexing of page duplicates via robots.txt or add the page tag ‘link’ with attribute rel=”canonical” and set there the original page address.
5) Make sure you don’t use content (photo, video) protected by copyrights without property owner allowance. Google can ban your site in case of property owner claim.
6) Don’t use the same widgets structure and content for all pages of your site, especially if the page text doesn’t contain enough (2000-5000) symbols.
Keywords spam and hidden texts
1) Do not use too many keywords on the page, especially if those keywords are not related to the topic of the content.
2) Avoid placing hidden texts, visible only for search engines, as Google can also remove site from indexing for that.
Lack of access to the site
1) Make sure that the indexing of certain pages or access for search engines bots is not forbidden by files robots.txt and .htaccess.
2) Monitor the server performance and keep your hosting up.
We hope that those tips help your sites to establish warm relationships with search engines and your profit will constantly grow. In our further posts we plan to explain each tip in more details. Contact me if you have further questions.