Benefits of Earning Money with Blogging

The Internet space opens many possibilities for everybody.
Development of the web had brought immense information freedom and had widened the accessibility of communication. Generally, people spend a lot of time on the Internet communicating with each other. A lot of users create their own blogs just for fun and entertainment. But sometimes this hobby turns into business. How does this process work? How to earn money from the blogging?
Earning money right at your house through your own hobby is a unique opportunity and excellent idea. At first sight, this kind of business seems to be very practical. You can create your own work plan for the day, in a way you want and you like. This is what makes you independent from other peoples’ schedules and various business circumstances associated with working in office. You are your own boss and employee. But, on the other hand, as a business owner, your responsibility for financial well-being, development and promotion grows high. So, how to avoid a fiasco and to reach success? Every single day, many users earn money by blogging online. To make it, you need to know all rules of the game. They are not so difficult, but you should be patent and diligent. In this article, we will present you some methods and technics of commercial blogging.
How do writers monetize their blogs?
Monetization is receiving of finances from the project. To monetize their own blogs, writers provide various places for commercial advertisement for other businesses. But, this is possible only in case when your blog gains popularity. Your blog becomes popular when the traffic reaches at least fifteen hundred unique visitors per day. With low traffic numbers, chances to sell advertisement space on the web are slim.
How to attract visitors and increase traffic?
Unfortunately, not all bloggers are able to attract visitors to their blogs. It is long, elaborative and very difficult process. But, what one man can do other men can do either. Anyway, unlimited Internet space means unlimited competition. To sustain it, you need to create interesting and unique content. Of course, you cannot invent a new topic, but you could always present your personal and unique view on the old one. If you are able to choose interesting topic and if you know how to attract readers’ attention, then you can have stable growth of visitors’ traffic on your blog.
To develop your blog, you should make posts every day. But, original content is only a base of your success. To get more traffic, you should promote your blog. Users will never find your pages by themselves unless you let them know where they are. You must have good promotion strategy and debugged publications plan to sustain effective blog development.
To make your blog successful, your page should be well organized. First, you need to create a consistent plan of publications for every day and for every month.
This plan should have a fixed time and fixed themes for your blog. If you want to make business, you have to think business. When you create your own blog, you need to understand how you can make money, doing online publications. If you already know what your blog is all about and what kind of audience do you target, you can understand what financial income you can make from your blogging. The type of your blog topic as well as its audience will define what kind of commercial partners you will get.
How to plan commercial blog?
Many bloggers use popular topics for posting their writing in order to attract people’s attention. This strategy doesn’t work in most cases. To be successful, you must write about the topics you really know and understand. Tell people things you do want to tell. But, do not write too many posts about yourself. It can become boring for your readers. If you always write about same thing, your audience quickly loses any interest to your blog. When creating original texts, be aware – your writing should be fun and catchy. Then, your visitors will be entertained by your blog, will come back and bring their friends. Do not try to create something very odd, in this case you are risking being unclear and offensive for your readers and they will not visit your blog again.
When you create content, don’t forget about other blog’s features.
On the web, you can find many useful plugins that could help you promote, develop and maintain your blog. The plugins can open following options for your page:
- Comments form
- Feedback form
- Tweets and likes
- Comment moderation
- Content moderation
- Posts announcing on your s. n. pages
- Contextual advertisement
- Partners program advertisement
- More features for content designing
- Tags options
- Post sharing
- And many other
Comments, likes, tweets and your links sharing, or reposts are very helpful for indexation. To stimulate these, you need to promote your blog and take part in discussions about your posts.
How to promote your own blog?
In the conditions of high competitiveness, all projects need good and intensive promotion. Internet marketing today presents lots of possibilities of advertisement for an affordable price. In order to promote your own project, you don’t need a big budget anymore, especially, if we are talking about PR of blog. The best marketing tools for blog development are concentrated online. To create and gain visitors traffic, you must develop good advertisement strategy. On the picture below, you can see primary tools using by many for effective blog promotion.
Many beginners in blogging prefer starting their ads by backlinking. Backlinks are really helpful if you want to increase links flow. This is exactly what is needed to improve indexation in the search systems. You can find many profitable places for backlinks advertisement on the Web. To provide good links building system, create your blog profiles on the social networks. All your blog posts should be announced on SN pages. Nowadays, profile pages on social networks are getting good indexation on the search engines.
Website catalogues can be helpful for you while you are building links. There are many services on the Web that are offering adding to hundreds of catalogues in just one day. But, this attractive offer has a negative side. The search systems could punish you for cheating by putting you on the spam list. All backlinks should be logical and natural. Do not try to develop wide advertisement company in the short time. This process should be very consistent and easy, otherwise, you will face a real risk to get sanctions from the Google. Some publications on the websites catalogues are enough for beginning.
Forums are strongly recommended as a tool that will help you make blog advertisement more effective. There/ in a forum, you should leave not only information posts, but also comments. The comment actually is a very good Internet marketing tool. This promotion instrument could be effective, if you write good article review along with your direct link as recommendation.
The classical PR technics are information articles. Some articles with your link, or anchor to your blog could be very effective for traffic growth. You can post your PR articles or information with your link on various websites and blogs. But, take it as a rule, all the web resources that you use for advertisement, should be trustworthy. Make posting only on information portals, or resources that are visited by people whose interests are somehow related to your topic. Otherwise, your promotion will look like a broken chain and could lead strait to the spam list.
All legal promotion technics can be helpful for a new, just created blog. Don’t skip classified advertisement websites. Usually, these resources have good indexation and topic positions on the search systems. Besides, you can post there for free.
We also would like to recommend you such thing as blogs partnership. This is the best way to turn competition into commitment. Find on the web bloggers who have the same audience and willing to place their advertisement on your blog .Partners should post your links on their resources, in exchange you post their links on your blog. Statistics tells us, that this cooperation always brings good benefits for both bloggers.
Your promotion strategy should be active not only from the start of your blogging, but also should follow through the whole time of your blog existence. Of course, this is in the case if you want to have high traffic and commercial partners.
Earning money with blogging. How does it work?
If you have a blog with interesting content that is attracting more than 1500 unique visitors daily, this is the best time for earning money through blogging! This process is not as difficult as blog creating and promotion. If you have a good product and attractive offer, you have all the chances to sell commercial advertisement on your pages. How to turn this idea into reality?
First of all you have to make a good commercial offer for your potential partners. To close the deal, you need to present many ways for cooperation. Use plugins for creating maximum commercial places on your blog. Think of what kinds of commercial advertisements, you can offer.
Many bloggers and web masters claim that the most popular commercial space on your page is located right on the top. Generally, this is the most expensive advertisement space for the bloggers. But, using this space rarely causes better sales. Don’t forget that you can also put left and right sides of your blog on the market.
Apart from using plugins for banner and teaser network, you can also sell contextual advertisement. Contextual advertisement is the most popular way of monetization for bloggers. Contextual advertisement means information about a product, project, or service that you present inside your post determining it by the context.
PR articles bring very good feedback when it goes about commercial advertisement. Selling price depends on characters’ number and complexity of the text. This kind of advertisement is very common for young artists. But, you can propose it to them only if you blogs theme is somehow related to the show business industry.
You will lose a great deal of time looking for commercial partners. To compress this search process, you must know what kind of businesses can be interested to advertise on your blog. To avoid making wrong steps, we suggest looking for the hint on the other blogs. Just visit top blog pages and pay attention to the brands that are advertising there. You can contact these companies, or find similar businesses with same products and services.
In order to make your communications result-oriented, you shall connect with the marketing departments, preferably by phone, and tell them what you are going to offer. After that, you shall send your commercial offer through e-mail to the person you have contacted in the marketing department. Sometimes, you need to contact these companies again to remind them about your service.
To attract more partners and improve your results in the business, make your prices more affordable then your competitors do.
If this process is too difficult and too challenging for you, you can also use paid services.
What services provide commercial deals for bloggers?
Today, on the web, many various services can provide bloggers and web masters with commercial partners. It could give you not only more time for creativity, but also more chances to receive secure and effective partnership. All of these services provide users with genuine businesses that are ready for commercial cooperation with bloggers. Here are two most profitable types of such services:
- Partners programs
- Contextual ads services
The both types of these services sell spaces on blog for commercial advertisement, charging relatively low commissions for it. These services provide you with trusted partners on regular basis.
Generally, partners’ programs provide effective communications inside their networks between bloggers and business owners who looks for a good advertisement on the web. Often, they place commercial teasers and banners on the blogs. In such case, a blogger gets monthly fee from this advertisement. This way to earn money on the blog is very practical.
But, now, you can use more profitable tool that is capable of providing your blog with descent financial income. The most profitable and stable commercial benefit could provide specific contextual ads services. To use these services, you need to install a special plugin. The most popular contextual ads service is MageNet.
After registration on the MageNet’s service, you can set up your preferred prices, or chose our recommended. In the short time, MageNet will offer you most profitable deals with the highest possible prices. You will receive all payments per month automatically. Professionalism and fast feedback of this company attracts many bloggers and advertisers for cooperation. This is the reason why specifically on this website you have more possibilities to get many profitable and stable trusted commercial partners.
If you have a hobby, you can always turn it into the carrier and then your work will never become a boring routine. Fill your life with the best emotions and positive experience. Don’t forget, that in order to become successful, you need to earn money from your favorite hobby!